KEEP LOOKING space is a universe of beauty, where elegance and latest fashion trends rule the world.
Architectural and aesthetic concept for this interior was developed in a perfect accordance with salon functional routine. All elements of the space (including the furniture and décor) were designed thoroughly to form an interior that would represent corporate aesthetics while providing perfect conditions for the flawless workflow and comfortable environment for clients.

Старт проекта
Срок выполнения
4 months
Discreet color palette and traditional materials together with original details and contemporary architectural and decoration methods transmit KEEP LOOKING mission to create unique image that highlights client’s individuality by providing high-end treatments based on newest beauty technologies.
The exceptional spirit of the brand is successfully broadcasted through the glowing sign surrounded by a spectacular suspended installation of polished brass tubes. Nobel shimmer of the brass, dark hardwood wall panels, massive leather sofa, white reception counter with traditional moldings and bright contemporary LED lighting create a unique atmosphere of Parisian chic.
The space is divided into functional areas equipped specifically for the services provided. The furniture, décor and lighting not only satisfy all technical requirements, but also create a perfect mood for every zone. Mirrors with lamps worthy of a French movie star dressing room allow to watch closely every step of the transformation, comfy armchairs of the nail spa help to relax and soft lighting in the treatment rooms makes it easy to unwind.