“Southern coast” – what comes to your mind when you hear these two words? Be it Italy, Greece or Odessa, the answer is obvious: warm sunlight, bright colors, local hospitality, delicious food and checkered tablecloths. All the above you will certainly find in the restaurant KLEVO, a collective image of Mediterranean atmosphere. Here interiors are an embodiment of expressiveness and cheerfulness of lovely town by the sea.
- Hey, kid, come here. Listen, what did they eat at table 16?
- The prince ate snails.
- What kind of wine did they have?
- Soave.
- Excuse me, Mr. Giulio, I saw them myself. They had Valpolicella.
- Hi, Marcello.
- Hi, Pierone. So snails and Valpolicella.
Giulio, let me take a picture.
- It's not possible, my friend.

Novikov group
Старт проекта
Срок выполнения
2 months
Simplicity, sincerity and hospitality – these words describe perfectly the mood set inside KLEVO restaurant. The warm atmosphere of a southern town is created through an abundance of familiar details, each of which carrying its own emotional message, thus resulting in an environment where every guest will find his or her own, personal South. The large display with fresh fish by the entrance greets the guests leaves no room for doubting the menu. Both the traditional stove and a big social dining table give the feeling of a family gathering. Each dining room has a focal element acting as energy center: an open kitchen in one and a sushi bar in the other. White walls and an abundance of warm light, red shutters on windows, surfboards, wicker baskets and sea nets, glass bottles and deck floor ... it seems that one needs only to listen carefully to hear the roar of sea waves coming through the noise of cozy chit chat.